Rok dostave 14 dana / Besplatna dostava za narudžne iznad 90,00€


Original price was: 299,00 €.Current price is: 194,00 €.

Weight approx: 365-375 gr

Profile: 38 mm

Balance: High

Shape: Diamond

Comp. exterior: XT-Carbon 12K

Comp. interior: Multieva

Player: Adult expert

Power/Control: 100/90



Multieva / XT Carbon 12K / Vertex / Vibradrive / Custom Weight / Carbon Tube / Hesacore / Topspin /  Curvaktiv


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The new Vertex 04 is a diamond-shaped racket with a rough Top Spin surface which offers maximum power. It is designed for professional or advanced players. It incorporates two new frame concepts.

The CURVAKTIV system: its rotated structure provides resistance against twisting. Thanks to the rotation of its surfaces, we can introduce a variable section on the side of the racket.

We have managed to introduce a smaller section than that of the vertex03 frame, increasing rigidity, but we have also managed to widen the section lengthwise, achieving a more uniform transmission of stresses throughout the racket. This improved distribution of vibrations and stresses is also supported by the combination of the CURVAKTIV with the AIR POWER.

The AIR POWER is the natural evolution of the Air React Channel system. It is a channel that we create using a hollow area in the lower side of the blade. This hollow area works better than if it were a solid piece because it is made up of less material and is less prone to deformation, making the structure stronger.

The external core is made from Xtend Carbon 12k carbon, its internal core from the new MultiEva rubber, and its frame from 100% carbon fibre CarbonTube. It has a CustomWeight plate system, allowing for balance of the racket to be modified according to the needs of every player.

It offers a Vibradrive system for absorption of vibrations. It also incorporates the Hesacore grip that reduces effort, vibrations, and the probability of injury.



Bullpadel je španjolski brend padela koji jedan je od najvećih brendova Padel sporta. Podrijetlom iz Madrida, Španjolska, Bullpadel ima ponosnu tradiciju stvaranja najkvalitetnijih reketa za padel. To također znači da je nekoliko svjetskih zvijezda na World Padel Touru izabralo Bullpadel za igru. Igrači kao što su Maxi Sanchez, Paquito Navarro i Alejandra Salazar postigli su veliki uspjeh s Bullpadelom. Bullpadel ima nekoliko različitih serija reketa namijenjenih različitim tipovima igrača. Pro-line, kao što se iz naziva vidi, da je namijenjen najboljim igračima, Avant-line, koji je stupanj niže za vješte vježbače i onda Fun-line za početnike i one koji ne igraju previše. često. Bullpadel je brend koji ne samo da proizvodi padel rekete, već možete kupiti i padel lopte, padel cipele, padel odjeću i padel torbe. Ovo je kako bismo mogli isporučiti potpuni brend za strastvenog igrača padela.



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